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Leave A Legacy

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Heritage Society – Legacy Giving

Heritage Society – Legacy Giving

Today's Plan. Tomorrow's Promise.

One of the top reasons we prepare a will is to make certain our loved ones are cared for after we are gone. But what about the other people and places that matter to you? What about Lima Memorial Health System, your locally owned hospital committed to providing the most advanced health care for the greater Lima region?

A planned gift can meet your personal needs and help establish or strengthen your legacy.

What is a planned gift?

A planned gift is any gift made, in lifetime or at death, as part of your overall financial and/or estate plan. Planned, or deferred, gifts permit donors to plan their gifts while receiving income and tax benefits for themselves and for their beneficiaries upon passing.

The Foundation offers many creative ways to structure a planned gift through a will, bequests, retirement plans, gift annuities, charitable trusts, IRA funds  and other charitable gift planning structures that would meet your philanthropic objectives. These options allow you to care for your loved ones into the future while advancing the mission of the Lima Memorial Foundation.

What is the heritage society?

Individuals who make a planned gift to the Lima Memorial Foundation are recognized with membership in the Heritage Society. If you’ve included the Lima Memorial Foundation in your will or trust or another planned gift, please let us know. We want to recognize you with membership in this society today and make sure your legacy is honored tomorrow.

Why be charitable?

Continue your support.

If a charitable cause is worth supporting now, wouldn’t it be nice to know you could help after your lifetime? A gift in your estate plan will help the Lima Memorial Foundation into the future.

Make a difference.

Most people want to know at the end of their lifetime they’ve made a difference. Planned giving is a way to ensure the people and causes you care most about benefit from your generosity.

Set an example.

Your generosity may inspire others to give, creating a future generation of philanthropists.

"The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." From William James.

Leave a legacy today.

For a list of our Heritage Society members, click here.


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Click here to download a print-friendly brochure for the Heritage Society.

Click here to download the Planned Gift Intention Form.

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