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Samaritan Fund

Samaritan Fund

Our responsibility to our patients does not end when they leave their hospital room. What many may take for granted becomes the biggest hurdle for others at the end of their hospital stay.  This is where the Samaritan Fund can help.

A gift to the Samaritan Fund helps supports critical gaps.

  • Patients may not have the financial ability to pay for their first prescription of an unexpected medication - a medication that is needed to help their body heal and prevent hospital readmission(s).

  • Patients healing from injuries sustained in an automobile accident may have lost their only vehicle for transportation home.  Others simply lack a vehicle or the support system to get back home.

  • The circumstance of some admissions leaves our patients requiring basic clothing upon discharge.

    When patients are preparing for discharge, transportation, medication and basic clothing can present a barrier to recovery. 
    This is where you can help. A gift to the Samaritan Fund helps us help them.

Donate Now


For more information about the Lima Memorial Foundation, contact the Foundation office at 419.226.5087




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