Colds and flu – antibiotics
Antibiotics - colds and flu
Antibiotics DO NOT cure colds and flus.
Antibiotics fight infections that are caused by bacteria. They do not treat infections that are caused by a virus. Colds and flu are caused by viruses. If you have a viral infection, antibiotics WILL NOT make you better.
The overuse of antibiotics can:
- Kill normal ("healthy") bacteria that live in your body. This may cause nausea and diarrhea. Women can get vaginal yeast infections.
- Increase the risk of drug-resistant bacterial infections.
- Put you at risk of an allergic reaction.
Do not take antibiotics when they will not treat an illness.
Husain AN. The lung. In: Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, eds. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 15.
Lopez SMC, Williams JV. The common cold. In: Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 407.
Roginski MA, Atchinson PR. Upper respiratory tract infections. In: Walls RM, ed. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 61.
Review Date: 2/8/2024