Test Your Shoulder Pain Knowledge

  • The shoulder is the most movable joint in the human body.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer
  • Rotator cuff problems are the most common cause of shoulder pain.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer
  • Which of the following can cause rotator cuff problems?


    A. Keeping your arm in the same position for a long time, such as doing computer work


    B. Sleeping on the same arm each night


    C. Playing sports that use your arm in an overhead motion such as tennis, baseball, swimming, and lifting weights


    D. Working with your arm overhead (such as painting and carpentry)


    E. Falling on your arm while it is stretched out


    F. All of the above

    Correct Answer
  • Symptoms of rotator cuff problems include:


    A. Pain when lifting your arm overhead or to the side


    B. Pain in the front of the shoulder


    C. Pain when lying on your shoulder


    D. Weakness and loss of motion of your shoulder


    E. All of the above

    Correct Answer
  • If you have shoulder pain from rotator cuff problems, self-care involves using:


    A. Heat


    B. Ice


    C. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)


    D. Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Naproxen (Aleve)


    E. B and D


    F. All of the above

    Correct Answer
  • Changing your posture can help relieve shoulder pain.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer
  • Other ways to ease the strain on your shoulder include:


    A. Avoid carrying a backpack or purse over just one shoulder.


    B. Lift and carry objects close to your body. Try not to lift heavy loads away from your body.


    C. When reaching for something with your arm, point your thumb up.


    D. Wear a sling.


    E. All of the above.


    F. A, B, and C

    Correct Answer
  • Physical therapy can help treat shoulder pain.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer
  • If you have a rotator cuff tear, you will need surgery.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer
  • Sudden shoulder pain can be a sign of a heart attack.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer