After your child's inguinal hernia repair

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After your child's inguinal hernia repair
So what do you need to know after your child has had an inguinal hernia repaired? I'm Dr. Alan Greene with some tips for once you go home after inguinal hernia repair. Usually that surgery is done on a come and go basis. Your child goes home that same day and don't be concerned if you notice swelling or some bruising in the area of the surgery, that's to be expected - it's normal. And you can kind of go with your child's desired level of activity for a bit. In fact, encouraging them to move some will help speed recovery but you want to avoid really rough play or extreme activity for the first week or so until the incision begins to really repair.
When should you call a doctor after the surgery? If that swelling or bruising is increasing after a couple of days, that's a good time to check in with your doctor. Same thing if bleeding is increasing or pain is increasing or redness is increasing or there's discharge from the incision after a few days. I would check in. Also with a fever over 101° or so is a good time to check in. And if there is new nausea or vomiting a day or more after the surgery. But otherwise within a week your child should be back up playing actively and in better shape than ever before.