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eHealth FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Lima Memorial eHealth Portal

What is the Lima Memorial eHealth Portal?
Lima Memorial eHealth Hospital and eHealth Physician are online healthcare tools that allow patients to conveniently access their health information.

How Secure Is My Health Information?  
Lima Memorial eHealth is provided through secure websites that use encryption to keep unauthorized persons from reading communications, information or attachments. Secure messages and information can only be accessed by someone who knows the correct login and password to Lima Memorial eHealth. With that in mind, please choose a strong password.

How Do I Self-enroll for eHealth Hospital?
The eHealth portal can be accessed here, but it is also accessible in the top right corner of this site. From the eHealth landing page, choose eHealth Hospital. A sign on screen will appear. In the lower right corner, is an option to “Sign Up.” It will be necessary to enter the patient’s legal name without punctuation. Type the last four digits of the SSN and insert the email address. Each of these components must match the information in the hospital patient record to successfully complete self-enrollment. An email will be generated to confirm accuracy and will allow the patient to create a username and password.

Is Lima Memorial eHealth Available for All Patients?  
Lima Memorial eHealth offers accounts to Lima Memorial Hospital patients and patients of Lima Memorial Physicians. Separate accounts will be available through Lima Memorial eHealth Hospital and eHealth Physicians.

Due to State privacy laws, Lima Memorial eHealth is not available for patients age 13-17. To the extent permitted by law, health record information for patients age 13-17 can be obtained from the LMHS Medical Record Department or the patient's physician office.

Is There a Fee Associated with Using Lima Memorial eHealth?  
Lima Memorial eHealth is a free service provided by Lima Memorial Health System to patients of Lima Memorial Hospital or are patients of Lima Memorial Physicians or Heart Institute of Northwest Ohio.

Do I Need to Have an E-mail Account to Use Lima Memorial eHealth?
Yes, a valid email address is required to set up a Lima Memorial eHealth account. The patient or the patient’s legal representative needs to have a private email account for this service.

What Services Will Be Available on Lima Memorial eHealth?
Patients with Lima Memorial Physicians accounts will be able to send secure messages to their physician offices through the Lima Memorial eHealth portal. Please note the Lima Memorial eHealth patient portal is the best way to contact your physician directly regarding personal health needs and requests.  

Patients will also have the ability to request appointments and medication refills, as well as receive lab results, education materials and view personal health records. 

How Do I Log into Lima Memorial eHealth?  
Once you’ve registered and activated the Lima Memorial eHealth account from the email invitation, you can access it from our website at Locate eHealth in the upper right corner, then choose the appropriate sign in page.

Is It Possible for My Family to Have One Lima Memorial eHealth Hospital Account?
A parent can be set up with proxy access to view dependent accounts. Please stop by the Health Information Management department for additional assistance.

I Think My Lima Memorial eHealth Account Has Been Compromised. What Should I Do?  
If you feel as though someone else has accessed your account, you should immediately go to Lima Memorial eHealth and change your password.

I Forgot My Password, What Do I Do?
From the Lima Memorial eHealth Physician login page, click on “Trouble Logging In.” This opens the Account Recovery Help screen. Select “Forgot Password.” An email will be sent to assist you in resetting your password.

From Lima Memorial eHealth Hospital log in page, click on Forgot Password. Enter the username and associated email address for the account. Select Reset Password. An email will be sent to assist you in resetting your password.

If you’re having difficulty using Lima Memorial eHealth, we’re happy to help.
Please email for help with eHealth Hospital, for help with eHealth Physicians, or call 419-998-8290.

Lima Memorial eHealth

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