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20th Anniversary Celebration

20th Anniversary Celebration

posted on: 4/21/2017 8:11:42 AM

Friday, April 21 marks the 20th anniversary of the first open-heart surgery performed in Lima. It took place at Lima Memorial Health System. Since that time, the cardiac field has seen many advances, and Lima Memorial Health System has remained committed to bringing these innovations to our region.

Before Lima Memorial launched its comprehensive heart program in 1997, patients needing heart surgery and other advanced heart care, like angioplasty and stenting, were typically referred to Dayton, Cleveland or Columbus. The time lost to travel impacted heart patients’ health outcomes dramatically. It was apparent to the community that Lima deserved access to comprehensive heart care, and the community pulled together to apply for a Certificate of Need from the State of Ohio. This began a five-year battle, in which Lima finally won the right to provide comprehensive heart care for the community. 

During their initial year, surgeons nearly doubled the original projections for cardiac surgeries. While approximately 200 surgeries were anticipated, 340 were actually performed. With the introduction of interventional cardiology later that same year, the number of catheterization procedures, including angioplasties performed, reached 2,400. In 1997, more than 2,600 people, including patients from each of the 10 counties in the area, were able to stay within the region to receive comprehensive heart care. 

Today, Lima Memorial Health System’s cardiac program continues to flourish with new advancements that allow patients to receive advanced care locally. This improves patient outcomes, minimizes financial hardships due to travel and reduces stress on families.

To honor the 20-year anniversary of this significant achievement, associates, physicians, volunteers and visitors are invited to join members of the cardiac team to take a look back at the evolution of the program and celebrate the lives impacted over the years.

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