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Auxiliary Holds Annual Meeting

Auxiliary Holds Annual Meeting

posted on: 12/3/2018 2:01:07 PM

Presenting Donation & Honoring Lifetime Achievements

The Lima Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will present a significant donation to the Lima Memorial Foundation at their general meeting on Thursday, December 6. The donation is a culmination of year-long fundraising activities, including the Auxiliary Gift Shop, café and a variety of sales.

In addition the Auxiliary will install new officers and honor the lifetime achievement of three volunteers. Patricia Hostetler, Sharon Preston and Isabella Watkins will be recognized as Life Members of the Lima Memorial Auxiliary. This distinct honor is awarded to volunteers who have been dedicated to the Auxiliary for 20 years, with a minimum of 10 years of active volunteer service. The three honorees have collectively volunteered nearly 14,000 hours of service to Lima Memorial.

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