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Lima Memorial Partners to Host 2016 Heart Summit

Lima Memorial Partners to Host 2016 Heart Summit

posted on: 8/26/2016 9:52:39 AM

At the forefront of providing exceptional care and continuing medical education, Lima Memorial Health System has partnered with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to present the 2016 Heart Summit on Saturday, August 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, in the Auxiliary Conference Center. The summit is being held in cooperation with The Ohio State University Heart & Vascular Center, Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital. Renowned faculty will come together to present cutting-edge cardiovascular findings to physicians, nurses and allied professionals. Participants will learn about the most current trends in cardiac surgery and in the management of atrial fibrillation, heart failure & cardiac rhythm.

Featured speakers will include:

Pamela Gardner, DO, FACC, FACOI
Director of Congestive Heart Failure Clinic, Section Chief of Cardiology
University of Toledo Associate Professor of Medicine

Ralph Augostini, MD, FACC
Bob and Corrine Frick Chair in Electrophysiology
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Co-Director of the Electrophysiology Training Program

Emile Daoud, MD, FACC
Professor of Internal Medicine
Section Director of Electrophysiology 

Mahmoud Houmsse, MD, FACP, FACC
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Director of ECG, Holter and Event Monitor Laboratory

John Hummel, MD, FACC
Professor of Internal Medicine
Director of Clinical Electrophysiology Research 

Brent Lampert, DO
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine 

Gregory Rushing, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery

Bryan Whitson, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Medical Director of End-Stage Cardiopulmonary Failure Program 

“This is a wonderful opportunity for meaningful interactions with medical professionals in the community and offers a chance to share our thoughts and expertise. We also appreciate learning from the audience what is needed and what we can do to better serve patients in our community,” says Dr. Pamela Gardner, Director of Congestive Heart Failure Clinic, Section Chief of Cardiology.

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