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Lima Memorial Recognizes Bluffton Student with Life Saving Award

Lima Memorial Recognizes Bluffton Student with Life Saving Award

posted on: 4/17/2019 8:51:59 AM

Lima Memorial Health System will present Sydney Goodwin with a Life Saving Award to recognize the bravery and courage she displayed during an emergency her grandmother experienced in her presence. Sydney, a seven-year-old Bluffton Elementary School student, sprang into action on February 22, 2019, when her grandmother collapsed right before her eyes. Sydney acted with great heroism when she did not hesitate to call 9-1-1 to get her grandmother the help she needed. This call ultimately saved her grandmother’s life.

Doug LaRue, Lima Memorial EMS Manager, will present Sydney with the Life Saving Award on Wednesday, April 17 at her school. Doug will also be speaking with Sydney’s classmates to reiterate the importance of dialing 9-1-1 in emergency situations.

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