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The Lima Memorial Foundation Recognizes Philanthropy

The Lima Memorial Foundation Recognizes Philanthropy

posted on: 4/2/2018 9:23:47 AM

Paying Special Tribute to Jeffrey A. Hawk

On Thursday, April 5, the Lima Memorial Foundation will host Ovation, an event to honor individuals and businesses who believe in and are committed to advancing the health of our community through philanthropic gifts to the Foundation. Cumulative levels of giving will be recognized, ranging from $25,000 to $2 million. In addition to these very distinguished awards, the Foundation will present the Ambassador of the Year Award to an individual who exemplified selfless and enthusiastic volunteerism in support of the Lima Memorial Foundation in 2017. Additionally, the Infinity Award will be presented to a local business for displaying a boundless commitment to Lima Memorial.

A highlight of the evening will be a special tribute to the late Jeffrey A. Hawk for his remarkable generosity and genuine care for Lima Memorial and for our community as a whole. Defined by four core pillars, Mr. Hawk dedicated his life to his faith, family, business and our community. He was a long-time chairman of American Trim and proudly served the family-owned business in a variety of roles over 34 years. A principled leader and mentor, Mr. Hawk always did the right thing, even when it was difficult or controversial. While he avoided the well-deserved spotlight, Mr. Hawk could be found working tirelessly behind the scenes for many organizations and causes to evoke positive change. 

Also at Ovation, the Lima Memorial Foundation will formally introduce its 2018 funding priority. Past support from the community has allowed Lima Memorial to invest more than $1 million in cardiac advancements, including an electrophysiology program. Additionally, the Foundation contributed the funds needed for advanced lung cancer diagnostic technology, da Vinci® surgical robots and the creation of the region’s only Simulation and Education Training Center.

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