- Malathion poisoning
- Matting acid poisoning
- MDMA overdose
- Meballymal overdose
- Meclofenamate overdose
- Mellaril overdose
- Menthol and methyl salicylate overdose
- Menthol poisoning
- Mepergan Forte overdose
- Meperidine hydrochloride overdose
- Meprobamate overdose
- Merbromin poisoning
- Mercaptothion poisoning
- Mercuric chloride poisoning
- Mercuric oxide poisoning
- Mercurochrome poisoning
- Mercury poisoning
- Merthiolate poisoning
- Metal cleaner poisoning
- Metal polish poisoning
- Meth overdose
- Methadone overdose
- Methamphetamine overdose
- Methanol poisoning
- Methyl salicylate and menthol overdose
- Methyl salicylate overdose
- Methylmercury poisoning
- Methylmorphine overdose
- Mildew remover poisoning
- Millipede toxin
- Minamata Bay disease
- Mineral deposit remover poisoning
- Mineral oil overdose
- Mineral spirits poisoning
- Mistletoe poisoning
- Molipaxin overdose
- Moonflower
- Morelle noire poisoning
- Morphine overdose
- Moth balls
- Moth flakes
- Motrin overdose
- Mouthwash overdose
- MS Contin overdose
- MSContin overdose
- Multiple vitamin overdose
- Murine
- Myristica oil poisoning
- Myristicin