Your Symptoms
- Abdomen - swollen
- Abdominal bloating
- Abdominal cramps
- Abdominal cramps in children
- Abdominal distention
- Abdominal fullness prematurely after meals
- Abdominal hernia
- Abdominal mass
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal pain - children under age 12
- Abdominal rigidity
- Abdominal sounds
- Abdominal tenderness
- Abdominal wall defects
- Abdominal wall mass
- Abnormal posturing - decerebrate posture
- Abnormal posturing - decorticate posture
- Abnormal posturing - opisthotonos
- Abnormal tooth shape
- Abnormally dark or light skin
- Absence of sweating
- Absence of thirst
- Accessory nipples
- Aches - leg
- Aches and pains in bones
- Achromachia
- Achromacria
- Acne-like skin bumps
- Acquired hearing loss
- Activity - increased
- Adipsia
- Agitation
- Allergy - sneezing
- Alopecia
- Altered mental status - confusion
- Ambiguous genitalia
- Amnesia
- Amnestic syndrome
- Anasarca
- Aneurysm - tinnitus
- Anhidrosis
- Anisocoria
- Ankle pain
- Ankle sprain
- Ankle swelling
- Anodontia
- Anorexia
- Anosmia
- Anxiety
- Anxiety - hyperventilation
- Aphasia
- Aphthous stomatitis
- Aphthous ulcers
- Apnea
- Appetite - decreased
- Appetite - increased
- Apprehension
- Arachnodactyly
- Arched back
- Arm and leg movements - uncontrollable
- Armpit lump
- Arthralgia
- Arthritis
- Arthritis - wrist
- Ataxia
- Athetoid movements
- Athetosis
- Atrophy of the muscles
- Atypical genitalia
- Axillary abscess
- Axillary lymph enlargement
- Axillary lymphadenopathy