- C burnetii - complement fixation test
- C difficile - toxin
- C-peptide
- C-reactive protein
- C1 esterase inhibitor
- C1 inhibiting factor
- C1-INH
- C3
- C4
- Ca++
- Ca+2
- CA-125 blood test
- CAD - angiography
- CAD - cardiac catheterization
- CAD - nuclear stress
- CAD - stress echocardiography
- CAD - treadmill
- Calcidiol
- Calcitonin blood test
- Calcium - ionized
- Calcium - urine
- Calcium blood test
- Calcium scoring
- Calf pain - Doppler
- Caloric stimulation
- Caloric test
- Campylobacter serology test
- Cancer - WBC count
- Cancer of cervix - HPV DNA test
- Capillary nail refill test
- Capillary refill time
- Capillary sample
- Capsule endoscopy
- Capsule enteroscopy
- Capsule enteroscopy
- Carbon dioxide test
- Carboxyhemoglobin
- Carcinoembryonic antigen blood test
- Carcinoid MIBG
- Carcinoma in situ - colposcopy
- Carcinoma in situ - Pap
- Carcinoma in situ-cone biopsy
- Cardiac angiography
- Cardiac blood pooling imaging
- Cardiac catheterization
- Cardiac event monitors
- Cardiac-specific troponin I
- Cardiac-specific troponin T
- Cardiomyopathy - MRI
- Cardiomyopathy - nuclear ventriculography
- Carotene test
- Carotid angiogram
- Carotid artery stenosis - CTA
- Carotid artery stenosis-CTA
- Carotid artery ultrasound
- Carotid duplex
- Carotid ultrasound
- Carpal tunnel biopsy
- Casts in the urine
- CAT scan
- CAT scan - abdomen
- CAT scan - arm
- CAT scan - brain
- CAT scan - heart
- CAT scan - knee
- CAT scan - leg
- CAT scan - lumbar spine
- CAT scan - pelvis
- CAT scan - shoulder
- CAT scan - sinus
- CAT scan - thoracic spine
- CAT scan – cervical spine
- CAT scan of cervical spine
- Catecholamine blood test
- Catecholamines - urine
- Catheterization - cardiac
- Catheterization - left heart
- Catheterization - right heart
- Catheterized urine specimen culture
- CBC - peripheral
- CBC blood test
- CEA blood test
- Celiac - xylose
- Cephalometric x-ray
- Cerebral angiography
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture
- Cerebrospinal fluid - immunofixation
- Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- Cerebrospinal fluid culture
- Cerebrospinal fluid glucose test
- Cerebrospinal fluid smear
- Ceruloplasmin blood test
- Cervical biopsy
- Cervical cancer - colposcopy
- Cervical cancer - cone biopsy
- Cervical cancer - HPV DNA test
- Cervical cancer - Pap
- Cervical cancer screening - Pap test
- Cervical conization
- Cervical cytology
- Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - colposcopy
- Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - cone biopsy
- Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - Pap
- Cervical MRI scan
- Cervical punch biopsy
- Cervical spine CT scan
- Cervical spine x-ray
- Cervicocerebral catheter-based angiography
- Cervix - colposcopy
- Cervix - cone biopsy
- CF - screening
- CF - sweat test
- Chem-20
- CHEM-7
- Chemistry - urine
- Chest CT
- Chest MRI
- Chest pain - nuclear stress
- Chest pain - stress echocardiography
- Chest pain - treadmill
- Chest PET scan
- Chest radiography
- Chest x-ray
- Chloride - urine test
- Chloride test - blood
- Cholangiogram - PTC
- Cholangiogram - PTCA
- Cholescintigraphy
- Cholescintigraphy: HIDA
- Cholesterol panel
- Cholesterol test
- Cholinesterase - blood
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Christmas factor assay
- Chromium - blood test
- Chromosome analysis
- Chronic kidney disease - urine protein
- Chronic lung disease - bronchoscopy
- Chylomicronemia syndrome - apolipoprotein CII
- CIN - colposcopy
- CIN - cone biopsy
- CIN - Pap
- Cirrhosis - abdominal tap
- Cirrhosis - ammonia
- Cirrhosis - serum aldosterone
- CIS - colposcopy
- CIS - cone biopsy
- CIS - Pap
- Cisternal puncture
- Cisternogram
- Citric acid urine test
- CK - isoenzymes
- CK test
- Claudication - CTA
- Clean catch urine sample
- Clean catch urine specimen
- Closed pleural biopsy
- Clotting disorder - AT III
- Clotting time: protime
- CMV antibody tests
- CMV blood test
- CO2 blood test
- CO2 test - serum
- Cobalamin test
- Coccidioides antibody test
- Coccidioides antibody test - spinal fluid
- Coccidioides blood test
- Coccidioides complement fixation
- Coccidioides precipitin test
- Coccidioidomycosis antibody test
- Coccidioidomycosis blood test
- Cold agglutinins
- Cold water calorics
- Colitis - toxin
- Colography - virtual
- Cologuard
- Colon cancer - colonoscopy
- Colon cancer - guaiac test
- Colon cancer screening - Cologuard
- Colon cancer sigmoidoscopy
- Colon polyps - colonoscopy
- Colon precancer screening - Cologuard
- Colonic tissue culture
- Colonoscopy
- Colonoscopy - screening
- Colonoscopy - virtual
- Color vision test
- Colorectal cancer - barium enema
- Colorectal cancer - biopsy
- Colorectal cancer - colonoscopy
- Colorectal cancer - guaiac test
- Colorectal cancer - lower GI series
- Colorectal sigmoidoscopy
- Colposcopy
- Colposcopy - cone biopsy
- Colposcopy - directed biopsy
- Colposcopy - Pap
- Complement
- Complement assay
- Complement component 3 (C3)
- Complement component 4
- Complement fixation test to C burnetii
- Complement proteins
- Complete blood count
- Complete blood count - peripheral
- Comprehensive metabolic panel
- Computed axial tomography scan
- Computed axial tomography scan - arm
- Computed axial tomography scan - heart
- Computed axial tomography scan - knee
- Computed axial tomography scan - leg
- Computed axial tomography scan - lumbar spine
- Computed axial tomography scan - pelvis
- Computed axial tomography scan - shoulder
- Computed axial tomography scan - sinus
- Computed axial tomography scan - thoracic spine
- Computed axial tomography scan – cervical spine
- Computed axial tomography scan of cervical spine
- Computed tomographic colonography
- Computed tomography - cranial
- Computed tomography angiography - abdomen and pelvis
- Computed tomography angiography - brain
- Computed tomography angiography - neck
- Computed tomography angiography - peripheral
- Computed tomography angiography - thorax
- Computed tomography scan
- Computed tomography scan - abdomen
- Computed tomography scan - arm
- Computed tomography scan - heart
- Computed tomography scan - knee
- Computed tomography scan - leg
- Computed tomography scan - lumbar spine
- Computed tomography scan - orbit
- Computed tomography scan - pelvis
- Computed tomography scan - shoulder
- Computed tomography scan - sinus
- Computed tomography scan - thoracic spine
- Computed tomography scan – cervical spine
- Computed tomography scan of cervical spine
- Cone biopsy
- Congenital heart disease - MRI
- Conjugated bilirubin - blood
- Conjugated bilirubin - urine
- Continuous electrocardiograms (EKGs)
- Coombs test
- Copper - ceruloplasmin
- Coproporphyrin levels
- Cord blood testing
- Core biopsy of the prostate
- Core needle breast biopsy - stereotactic
- Core needle breast biopsy - ultrasound
- Coronary angiography
- Coronary artery disease - angiography
- Coronary artery disease - cardiac catheterization
- Coronary artery disease - nuclear stress
- Coronary artery disease - stress echocardiography
- Coronary artery disease - treadmill
- Coronary calcium scan
- Coronary risk panel
- Cortisol blood test
- Cortisol suppression test
- Cortisol urine test
- Cortrosyn stimulation test
- Cosyntropin stimulation test
- COVID 19 - Nasopharyngeal swab
- COVID 19 - past infection
- COVID-19 - Nasopharyngeal swab
- COVID-19 - past infection
- COVID-19 antibody test
- COVID-19 PCR test
- COVID-19 serologic test
- COVID-19 virus test
- Coxiella burnetii - complement fixation test
- CP - serum
- CPK isoenzymes test
- CPK test
- Cranial CT
- Cranial MRI
- Creatine kinase
- Creatine kinase - isoenzymes
- Creatine phosphokinase - isoenzymes
- Creatine phosphokinase test
- Creatinine blood test
- Creatinine clearance test
- Creatinine urine test
- Crohn disease - barium enema
- Crohn disease - colonoscopy
- Crohn disease - lower GI series
- Crohn disease - rectal biopsy
- Cross matching
- Crush - CPK
- Cryoglobulins
- CSF analysis
- CSF cell count
- CSF coccidioides complement fixation test
- CSF culture
- CSF flow scan
- CSF glucose test
- CSF myelin basic protein
- CSF oligoclonal banding
- CSF pressure monitoring
- CSF smear
- CSF total protein
- CSF-VDRL test
- CT - lower back
- CT - lumbosacral spine
- CT abdomen and pelvis
- CT angiography - abdomen and pelvis
- CT angiography - arms and legs
- CT angiography - head and neck
- CT angiography – chest
- CT colonography
- CT enteroclysis
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- CT scan
- CT scan - abdomen
- CT scan - arm
- CT scan - cervical spine
- CT scan - chest
- CT scan - head
- CT scan - leg
- CT scan - lungs
- CT scan - orbital
- CT scan - orbits
- CT scan - pelvis
- CT scan - shoulder
- CT scan - sinus
- CT scan - sinuses
- CT scan - skull
- CT scan - upper back
- CT scan of cervical spine
- CTA - abdomen and pelvis
- CTA - cranial
- CTA - lungs
- CTA - neck
- CTA - peripheral
- CTA - Runoff
- CTA - skull
- CTA - peripheral
- cTnl
- cTnT
- Culdocentesis
- Culture - amniotic cells
- Culture - amniotic fluid
- Culture - bile
- Culture - blood
- Culture - bone marrow
- Culture - bronchoscopic
- Culture - cervix
- Culture - colonic tissue
- Culture - CSF
- Culture - duodenal tissue
- Culture - ear drainage
- Culture - esophageal
- Culture - fingernail
- Culture - gastric tissue
- Culture - genital discharge or exudate
- Culture - herpes simplex virus
- Culture - joint fluid
- Culture - lymph node
- Culture - mucosal
- Culture - mycobacterial
- Culture - nasopharyngeal
- Culture - pericardial fluid
- Culture - peritoneal fluid
- Culture - pleural fluid
- Culture - rectal
- Culture - skin
- Culture - stomach tissue
- Culture - stool
- Culture - throat
- Culture - urine - catheterized specimen
- Culture and sensitivity - urine
- Culture of urethral discharge
- Cystic fibrosis - sweat test
- Cystic fibrosis screening - neonatal
- Cystitis - clean catch
- Cystitis - urinalysis
- Cystogram
- Cystography - retrograde
- Cystometric study
- Cystometrogram
- Cystoscopy
- Cystourethrogram - voiding
- Cystourethroscopy
- Cytology - ureteral retrograde brush biopsy
- Cytology analysis - biliary tract
- Cytology exam of pleural fluid
- Cytology exam of urine