- D-dimer test
- D-xylose absorption
- Deep vein thrombosis - AT III
- Deep vein thrombosis - D-dimer
- Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate test
- Delivery - Apgar
- Delta-ALA urine test
- Delta-aminolevulinic acid
- Dementia-mental status testing
- Dental plaque identification at home
- Dental x-rays
- Dermatan sulfate - urine
- Dermatitis - allergy testing
- DEXA scan
- Dexamethasone suppression test
- DHEA-sulfate - serum
- DHEA-sulfate test
- Diabetes - A1C
- Diabetes - blood sugar test
- Diabetes - glucose tolerance test
- Diabetes - insulin antibodies
- Diabetes - ketones test
- Diabetes - microalbuminuria
- Diabetic - A1C
- Diabetic - glucose tolerance test
- Diabetic ketoacidosis - urine ketones test
- Diabetic nephropathy - microalbuminuria
- Diabetic screening - blood sugar test
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Diagnostic mammogram
- Diarrhea - colonoscopy
- Diarrhea - xylose
- Diastolic blood pressure
- Diff
- Differential
- Diffusing capacity
- Digital image
- Digital rectal exam
- Digoxin test
- Direct antiglobulin test
- Direct bilirubin - blood
- Direct bilirubin - urine
- Direct fluorescent antibody - sputum
- Direct immunofluorescence
- Direct immunofluorescence test
- Direct laryngoscopy
- Diverticulitis - colonoscopy
- DLCO test
- Dobutamine stress test
- Donath-Landsteiner test
- Dopamine - blood
- Dopamine - urine test
- Dopamine -- blood
- Dopamine-urine test
- Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg
- Doppler ultrasound of the heart
- Doppler ultrasound of the heart - children
- Double-balloon enteroscopy
- Down syndrome - nuchal translucency
- Down syndrome - quadruple
- Drug abuse screen
- Drug screen - urine
- Drug screen -- urine
- Dry eye test
- Dual x-ray absorptiometry
- Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
- Duodenal aspirated fluid smear
- Duodenal atresia - quadruple
- Duodenal parasites test
- Duodenal tissue culture
- Duplex ultrasound
- DVT - D-dimer