- G6PD screen
- Gal-1-PUT
- Galactorrhea - prolactin test
- Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase blood test
- Galactosemia screen
- Gallbladder radionuclide scan
- Gallbladder scan
- Gallium 67 lung scan
- Gallium scan
- Gallium scan - lung
- Gamma globulin electrophoresis
- Gamma globulin electrophoresis - urine
- Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) blood test
- Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
- Gamma-GT
- Gastric culture
- Gastric lavage
- Gastric suction
- Gastric tissue biopsy and culture
- Gastric ulcer - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
- Gastrin blood test
- Gastroenteritis - rotavirus antigen
- Gastroenteritis fecal culture
- Gastrointestinal bleeding - sigmoidoscopy
- Gastroscopy
- GBM antibody test
- Genetic counseling - CVS
- Genetic counseling - quadruple
- Genital exudate culture
- Gestational diabetes - glucose screening
- GH
- GH suppression test
- GH test
- GHb
- GI series
- Giardia - string test
- Giardiasis - ova and parasites
- Gigantism - blood test
- Glaucoma test
- Globulin electrophoresis
- Glomerular filtration rate
- Glucagon blood test
- Glucagonoma - glucagon test
- Glucose challenge test - pregnancy
- Glucose loading test
- Glucose screening tests during pregnancy
- Glucose test
- Glucose test - CSF
- Glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
- Glucose urine test
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase test
- Glucosuria test
- Glycated hemoglobin
- Glycated hemoglobin test
- Glycohemoglobin
- Glycohemoglobin test
- Glycosuria test
- Glycosylated hemoglobin
- Glycosylated hemoglobin test
- Goiter - scan
- Goiter - TSH
- Goiter - TSI
- Goiter - ultrasound
- Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT)
- Goldmann visual field exam
- Gout - synovial biopsy
- Gout - uric acid in blood
- Gram stain
- Gram stain of cervical secretions
- Gram stain of cervix
- Gram stain of joint fluid
- Gram stain of pericardial fluid
- Gram stain of pleural fluid
- Gram stain of skin lesion
- Gram stain of skin lesion
- Gram stain of sputum
- Gram stain of stool
- Gram stain of the cervix
- Gram stain of tissue biopsy
- Gram stain of tissue biopsy
- Gram stain of urethral discharge
- Gram stain of urethral discharge
- Granular casts
- Granulocyte
- Graves disease - T3
- Graves disease - thyroglobulin antibody
- Growth hormone stimulation test
- Growth hormone suppression test
- Growth hormone test
- Guaiac smear test
- Gum biopsy
- Gynecologic ultrasound