- Nail blanch test
- Nail culture
- Narcotics - screen
- Nasal endoscopy
- Nasal mucosal biopsy
- Nasogastric tube suction
- Nasopharyngeal culture
- NBT test
- Neck CT scan
- Neck x-ray
- Necrotizing colitis - toxin
- Needle biopsy of liver
- Needle biopsy of the pleura
- Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test
- Neonatal screening tests
- Nerve biopsy
- Nerve conduction study (NCS)
- Nerve conduction velocity
- Neuroblastoma - MIBG
- Neurocognitive testing
- Neurosyphilis - VDRL
- Newborn scoring
- Newborn screening tests
- Nitroblue tetrazolium blood test
- Nitroprusside test
- NMR - abdomen
- NMR - cardiac
- NMR - chest
- NMR - cranial
- Norepinephrine - blood
- Norepinephrine - urine test
- Norepinephrine -- blood
- Norepinephrine-urine test
- Normetanephrine
- Nose biopsy
- NT
- Nuchal fold scan
- Nuchal fold test
- Nuchal translucency screening
- Nuchal translucency test
- Nuclear bladder scan
- Nuclear cardiology
- Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging
- Nuclear magnetic resonance - abdomen
- Nuclear magnetic resonance - cardiac
- Nuclear magnetic resonance - chest
- Nuclear magnetic resonance - cranial
- Nuclear scan - liver or spleen
- Nuclear scan - technetium
- Nuclear scan - thyroid
- Nuclear stress test
- Nuclear ventriculography