- Magnesium - blood
- Magnesium blood test
- Magnetic resonance angiography
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic resonance imaging - abdomen
- Magnetic resonance imaging - ankle
- Magnetic resonance imaging - breast
- Magnetic resonance imaging - cardiac
- Magnetic resonance imaging - chest
- Magnetic resonance imaging - cranial
- Magnetic resonance imaging - heart
- Magnetic resonance imaging - knee
- Magnetic resonance imaging - leg
- Magnetic resonance imaging - lower extremity
- Magnetic resonance imaging - lumbar spine
- Magnetic resonance imaging - pelvis
- Magnetic resonance imaging - shoulder
- Magnetic resonance imaging - sinuses
- Male fertility test
- Malignant ascites - abdominal tap
- Malnutrition - xylose
- Mammogram
- Mammography
- Mantoux test
- Maxillary sinus MRI
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
- Measuring blood pressure
- Mediastinoscopy with biopsy
- Melanin - urine
- Melanoma - biopsy
- Melena - sigmoidoscopy
- Menopause - FSH
- Menstrual bleeding - transvaginal ultrasound
- Mental status exam
- Mental status testing
- Mesenteric angiogram
- Mesenteric angiography
- Mesenteric CTA
- Meta-iodobenzylguanidine scintiscan
- Metabolic panel - comprehensive
- Metabolic panel 20
- Metabolic panel 7
- Metanephrine
- Methanol test
- Methemoglobin
- Methemoglobinemia - methylene blue test
- Methylene blue test
- Methylmalonic acid blood test
- MIBG scintiscan
- MIBI stress test
- Microalbuminuria test
- Microsomal antibody
- Mirror laryngoscopy
- Moderately increased albuminuria
- Mono test
- Mononucleosis spot test
- Monospot
- Monospot test
- Mouth lesion biopsy
- MR enteroclysis
- MRI - ankle
- MRI - arm
- MRI - brain
- MRI - breast
- MRI - cervical spine
- MRI - cranial
- MRI - elbow
- MRI - femur
- MRI - head
- MRI - hips
- MRI - knee
- MRI - leg
- MRI - lower back
- MRI - lower extremity
- MRI - neck
- MRI - pelvis
- MRI - shoulder
- MRI - wrist
- MRI of the abdomen
- MRI of the head
- MRI of the heart
- MRI of the sinuses
- MRI of the thorax
- Mucosal culture
- Multi-detector CT scan - heart
- Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I - glucagon test
- Multiple gate acquisition scan (MUGA)
- Multiple marker screening
- Multiple myeloma - serum electrophoresis
- Multiple myeloma - UPEP
- Multiple pregnancy - ultrasound
- Muscle biopsy
- Myasthenia gravis - tensilon
- Myasthenia gravis - Tensilon test
- Myasthenia gravis-tensilon
- Mycobacterial culture
- Myelodysplastic syndrome - bone marrow aspiration
- Myelofibrosis - bone marrow aspiration
- Myocardial biopsy
- Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
- Myocardial PET scan
- Myoglobin blood test
- Myoglobin urine test
- Myogram
- Myositis - myoglobin blood test
- Myositis - myoglobin urine test