- p-DEXA
- PAD - angiography
- PAD - CT angiography
- PAD - Doppler
- Pancreas MRI - abdomen
- Pancreatic function test
- Pancreatitis - blood amylase
- Pancreatitis - blood lipase
- Panoramic film
- Pap smear
- Pap smear - colposcopy
- Pap smear - cone biopsy
- Pap test
- Papanicolaou test
- Paracentesis
- Paracentesis
- Paranasal sinus radiography
- Parasites and stool ova exam
- Parathormone
- Parathormone (PTH) intact molecule
- Parathyroid - calcium in urine
- Parathyroid hormone
- Parathyroid hormone (PTH) blood test
- Parathyroid hormone-related protein blood test
- Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria - Donath-Landsteiner
- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria sugar water hemolysis test
- Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
- Patch tests - allergy
- Paul-Bunnell test
- PBD - Percutaneous biliary drainage
- PBD-Precutaneous Biliary drainage
- PBG urine test
- PE - D-dimer
- PE- V/Q scan
- Pelvic CT scan
- Pelvic MRI with prostate probe
- Pelvic scan
- Pelvic sonography
- Pelvic ultrasonography
- Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal
- Pelvis MRI scan
- Pelvis x-ray
- Penile pulse volume recording
- Peptic ulcer - gastrin blood test
- Peptic ulcer disease - H pylori
- Peptic ulcer disease - H. pylori
- Percutaneous biopsy
- Percutaneous liver biopsy
- Percutaneous needle aspiration
- Percutaneous pericardiocentesis
- Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram
- Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- Perfusion scintiscan - renal
- Periapical film
- Pericardial effusion - peric
- Pericardial effusion - pericardiocentesis
- Pericardial fluid - Gram stain
- Pericardial fluid culture
- Pericardial fluid Gram stain
- Pericardial tap
- Pericardiocentesis
- Pericarditis - pericardiocentesis
- Perimetry
- Peripheral angiogram
- Peripheral angiography
- Peripheral artery disease
- Peripheral artery disease - angiography
- Peripheral artery disease - CT angiography
- Peripheral smear
- Peripheral vascular disease - CTA
- Peripheral vascular disease - Doppler
- Peripheral vascular ultrasound
- Peritoneal fluid analysis
- Peritoneal fluid culture
- Peritoneal tap
- Pernicious anemia - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
- Pernicious anemia - vitamin B12 level
- Persantine stress test
- PET - breast
- PET - chest
- PET - lung
- PET - tumor imaging
- PET - tumor imaging - breast
- PET scan
- PET scan - brain
- PET scan for breast cancer
- PET/CT - lung
- PFTs
- PGx - testing
- pH - urine
- pH monitoring - esophageal
- Pharmacogenetic testing
- Pharmacogenetics - testing
- Pharmacogenomics - testing
- Phenothiazines - screen
- Phenylalanine - blood test
- Pheochromocytoma - MIBG
- Phlebogram
- Phlebogram - leg
- Phlebotomy
- Phosphorus - serum
- Phosphorus blood test
- Pinworm test
- Pituitary tumor - prolactin test
- PKU - phenylalanine
- Placenta previa - ultrasound
- Plasma amino acids
- Plasma cholinesterase
- Plasma factor VIII antigen
- Plasma fibrinogen
- Plasma renin activity
- Plasma thromboplastin component
- Platelet aggregation test
- Platelet antibodies blood test
- Platelet count
- Plethysmography
- Plethysmography
- Plethysmography - limb
- Pleural fluid - Gram stain
- Pleural fluid analysis
- Pleural fluid aspiration
- Pleural fluid culture
- Pleural fluid cytology
- Pleural fluid Gram stain
- Pleural fluid smear
- Pleural needle biopsy
- Pleural tap
- Pneumonia - bronchoscopy
- PNH sugar water hemolysis test
- PO4-3
- Polycythemia - Hb
- Polyhydramnios - ultrasound
- Polyp biopsy
- Polyps - sigmoidoscopy
- Polysomnogram
- Polysomnography
- Porphobilinogen test
- Porphyria - urine
- Porphyria - uroporphyrin
- Porphyrins - total
- Porphyrins -- total
- Porphyrins blood test
- Porphyrins urine test
- Positron emission tomography
- Posterior circulation ischemia - CTA
- Posterior circulation ischemia-CTA
- Potassium hydroxide examination of skin lesion
- Potassium test
- Potassium urine test
- PPD skin test
- Precancerous changes of the cervix - colposcopy
- Precancerous changes of the cervix - cone biopsy
- Precancerous changes of the cervix - Pap
- Pregnancy - CVS
- Pregnancy - quadruple
- Pregnancy sonogram
- Pregnancy test
- Pregnancy test - blood - qualitative
- Pregnancy test - blood - quantitative
- Pregnancy test - hCG in urine
- Prenatal genetic screening
- Primary hyperaldosteronism - serum aldosterone
- Pro-time
- Proaccelerin
- Proconvertin
- Proctoscopy
- Proctosigmoidoscopy
- Progesterone - 17-OH
- Progesterone blood test (serum)
- Prolactin blood test
- Prolactinoma - prolactin test
- Prostate biopsy
- Prostate biopsy - transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
- Prostate cancer screening test
- Prostate gland biopsy
- Prostate-specific antigen
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test
- Prostate cancer screening test
- Protein C blood test
- Protein electrophoresis - serum
- Protein S blood test
- Proteinuria
- Proteinuria - microalbuminuria
- Prothrombin
- Prothrombin assay
- Prothrombin time (PT)
- PROTO test
- Protoporphyrin levels
- Pseudocholinesterase
- Pseudomembranous - toxin
- Pseudomembranous colitis - toxin
- Psoriatic arthritis-HLA
- PT
- PTH-related peptide
- PTHrp
- Ptyalography
- PUD - H pylori
- PUD - H. pylori
- Pulmonary angiogram
- Pulmonary angiography
- Pulmonary arteriography
- Pulmonary embolism - CTA chest
- Pulmonary embolism - D-dimer
- Pulmonary embolism - V/Q scan
- Pulmonary function tests
- Pulmonary plethysmography
- Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion scan
- Pulse
- Pulse volume recordings
- Punch biopsy
- Punch biopsy - skin
- Purified protein derivative standard
- Push enteroscopy
- PVD - CT angiography
- PVD - Doppler
- Pyruvate kinase blood test